
Monday Night Worship
Every Monday night we have Worship at the house at 8:45. The purpose of this time is strictly to worship. Worship is led by Caleb Cantwell.

Bible Studies
Caleb Sergent and/or Nathan Gilbert lead a Bible study teaching books of the Bible and/or other Christian literature. Study begins at 8:15pm on Sundays. Studies times/days may vary so please check-in before attending.

Leadership Studies
Leadership studies based on John C. Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership are taught as needed and usually occur in 11 1-hour sessions. If you have interest in one of these studies please contact Nathan Gilbert.

Song of Solomon Studies
Song of Solomon studies on relationships are taught on an as needed basis and are completed in multiple sessions lasting a total of 10-12 hours. Click HERE for the study guide. If you have interest in one of these studies please contact Nathan Gilbert.

Tuesday Night Volleyball
The DHouse has a volleyball team that competes at Grassy Creek Christian Church at 7pm on Tuesday nights. Contact Nathan Gilbert for more details. (SUMMER ONLY, ENDS LABOR DAY WEEKEND)